Turns the character right. Declaration func turnRight()
Turns the character right. Declaration func turnRight()
Turns the character left. Declaration func turnLeft()
Instructs the character to toggle a switch on the current tile. Declaration func toggleSwitch()
Moves the character forward one tile. Declaration func moveForward()
Condition that checks if the character is on a tile with an open switch on it. Declaration var isOnOpenSwitch: Bool { get }
Condition that checks if the character is on a tile with a gem on it. Declaration var isOnGem: Bool { get }
Condition that checks if the character is on a tile with a closed switch on it. Declaration var isOnClosedSwitch: Bool { get }
Condition that checks if the character is blocked from moving forward in the current direction. Declaration var isBlocked: Bool { get }
Instructs the character to collect a gem on the current tile. Declaration func collectGem()